Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat @ Spirituality & Practice
- Excerpt: The continuing adventures of two of the sweetest and most courteous anti-heroes in many a moon.
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Reeves and Winter step into their old roles as if they’ve simply grown older along with them and the film is as sweet and silly as our protagonists.
- Rich Cline @ Shadows on the Wall
- Excerpt: The storytelling is messy, but the film is so disarming that only the coldest curmudgeon will be able to resist its charms
- Herman Dhaliwal @ Cinema Sanctum
- Excerpt: I had a really fun time hanging out with these characters again. It’s a conclusion to the series that will definitely satisfy fans.
- M Enois Duarte @ High-Def Digest.com
- Excerpt: Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves make a most triumphant return as the time-traveling best buds in Bill & Ted Face the Music, the third installment in a sci-fi buddy comedy written by original creators Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon and directed by Dean Parisot. Although it hits a few snags at the start, the movie eventually manages to come together and strike the perfect harmony for 2020, giving audiences exactly the right tune and rhythm needed for combating contemporary cynical outlooks.
- Sarah Gopaul @ Digital Journal
- Excerpt: It’s difficult living up to a film beloved by so many, but this second sequel does a good job of evoking everything that was great about its predecessors.
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Bill & Ted may face the music, but it’s their daughters that are the most righteous.
- MaryAnn Johanson @ FlickFilosopher.com
- Excerpt: The chill zen and goofy charm of GenX’s philosopher-fools remains intact, but their latest adventure is too familiar a retelling. Still, “Be excellent to each other” won’t ever not be worth heeding.
- Eddie Pasa @ Gunaxin
- Excerpt: If the world could be gifted a million more movies like Bill & Ted Face the Music, it could be the cause for celebration and peace among the nations. Not only is it a welcome blast of nostalgia, it is an eager call for unity amid calamity like none other.
- Josh Taylor @ www.forgetfulfilmcritic.com
- Excerpt: I can happily report that Bill and Ted Face the Music is in the exact same vein as its predecessors. On the surface, there might appear to be something a little deeper on this entry’s mind – dealing with failure and missed opportunities in middle-age – but really, it’s just as frivolous (in a good way!) as the first two.
- [New] | Sebastian Zavala @ Ventana Indiscreta [Spanish]