Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Sarah Gopaul @ Digital Journal
- Excerpt: According to the movies, the president of the United States is in need of constant rescue. Assassination attempts, terrorist attacks and alien invasions keep the secret service and average Joe heroes on their toes.
- Susan Granger @ www.susangranger.com
- Excerpt: A ridiculous, escapist action-adventure, destined for popularity on the Netflix queue.
- Travis Hopson @ Punch Drunk Critics
- Excerpt: If Steven Spielberg, Michael Bay, and Tim Burton collaborated on an Amblin-style adventure with rocket launchers it might look something like Big Game.
- [New – 10/1/15] | Don Lewis @ Consequence of Sound
- [New – 10/1/15] | Jared Mobarak @ The Film Stage
- Darren Mooney @ the m0vie blog
- Excerpt: Game on…
- Pat Mullen @ Cinemablographer
- Excerpt: There are no snakes in the aircraft of Big Game, but there are ample slimy creatures to make Samuel L. Jackson get off the muthafuggin’ plane.
- Jason Pirodsky @ Expats.cz
- Excerpt: Moore is one of the weakest U.S. Presidents ever to grace the big screen, getting driven around the Finnish wilderness and fed by a thirteen year-old boy, not knowing how to use a gun, taking punches without mustering up the strength to fight back, and finally, getting stuffed into an ice box and helicoptered through the forest. What a wimp!
- Nuno Reis @ SciFiWorld Portugal [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Muito próximo do que vimos em “Cliffhanger” do já referido Renny Harlin, “Big Game” é um regresso ao cinema como entretenimento puro. Esta história de uma criança em busca de um tesouro tem muitos detalhes tirados dos Goonies – incluindo uma oportunidade para dizer algo que me soou a “it is my time, down here” – convertidos numa criança solitária pelos tempos modernos.
- Stephen Saito @ The Moveable Fest
- Excerpt: From the Toronto Film Fest, Of the many unexpected delights in this irreverent action comedy, Samuel L. Jackson gives one of his most heartfelt performance in years.
- Frank Swietek @ One Guys Opinion
- Excerpt: An old-school boys’ adventure story [that’s] absurdly outlandish but ridiculously enjoyable.