Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Kristin Dreyer Kramer @ NightsAndWeekends.com
- Brent McKnight @ The Last Thing I See
- [New – 9/17/15] | Jonathan Richards @ www.jonrichardsplace.com
- Excerpt: Junge has broken open a spectacular piñata of vintage Knievel footage, the triumphs and the disasters, and buttressed it with talking heads that range from Jackass tv star Johnny Knoxville and actor George Hamilton (both of whom were producers on the film) to Knievel’s old homeboys and professional associates, and a couple of wives.
- Tom Santilli @ Examiner.com
- Excerpt: But Being Evel is the sort of documentary you didn’t realize you needed until it was made.
- Cole Smithey @ ColeSmithey.com
- Excerpt: Cultural identifiers don’t come any bigger, meaner, or influential than Evel (nee Robert Craig) Knievel.
- Frank Swietek @ One Guys Opinion
- Excerpt: An entertaining film that’s both a revealing profile of the man and a thought-provoking reflection on his broader cultural significance.
- Sarah Ward @ artsHub