Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Marco Albanese @ Stanze di Cinema [Italian]
- Excerpt: Ma naturalmente il risultato complessivo è lontano da questi modelli, nonostante le buone intenzioni di Fukunaga e la sincerità dell’apologo che non riserva rendenzioni o assoluzioni, per nessuno dei suoi protagonisti
- Jason Bailey @ Flavorwire
- Excerpt: Beasts’ maintains a peculiar sense of remove from the action, which ultimately situates it firmly in the position of “very good movie,” rather than great one; it wants to immerse itself entirely in Agu’s experience, yet the filmmaker can’t resist standing aloft in scenes that underscore the soldiers’ ages and their actions, and pointing out easy ironies.
- Josh Brunsting @ The CriterionCast
- Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat @ Spirituality & Practice
- Excerpt: A powerful cry from the heart to respect the rights of young boys and end their enslavement in war.
- Tony Dayoub @ Cinema Viewfinder
- Excerpt: What ultimately makes BEASTS OF NO NATION worthwhile are the two performances at its center. Elba is a formidable enough presence. Attah not only holds his own onscreen with Elba, the young actor occasionally eclipses him.
- Mark Dujsik @ Mark Reviews Movies
- Excerpt: There is only so much of this we can take in before the movie starts to feel like a repetitive exercise in despair.
- James Jay Edwards @ FilmFracture
- Candice Frederick @ Reel Talk Online
- Kimberly Gadette @ doddle
- Susan Granger @ www.susangranger.com
- Excerpt: Severely scary and intense, it’s filled with explicitly brutal, nightmarish atrocities…
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Beasts of No Nation is about a child’s loss of innocence. Not a novel idea, but at least one presented with a pair of laudable performances.
- Courtney Howard @ Sassy Mama In LA
- Excerpt: Beasts Of No Nation’ is a grim study in blistering, bruising and unrelenting misery. You should watch it immediately.
- Benjamin Kramer @ The Voracious Filmgoer
- [New – 12/10/15] | Donald Jay Levit @ ReelTalk Movie Reviews
- Jared Mobarak @ Jared Mobarak Reviews
- Excerpt: Attah is a force in his acting debut, wrestling with his own fluctuating identity as circumstances are forced upon him. The time will eventually come to choose returning to the boy he once was or remaining the man he’s become.
- Pat Mullen @ Cinemablographer
- Excerpt: Beasts of No Nation reminds me why I cancelled by Netflix account last year: movies are better on the big screen.
- Courtney Small @ Cinema Axis
- Frank Swietek @ One Guys Opinion
- Excerpt: Undeniably hard to watch, but also a dramatically wrenching depiction of contemporary realities one might prefer to ignore—but shouldn’t.