Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Kyle Anderson @ Nerdist
- [New] | Dragan Antulov @ Draxblog VI [Croatian]
- Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Excerpt: At long last we got this year’s season finale to the world’s longest and most expensive soap opera.
- Emmanuel Báez @ Cinéfiloz [Spanish]
- Excerpt: The final chapter of the greatest superhero saga is beyond our dreams.
- Caio Bogoni @ Cine Grandiose [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: A little weaker than “Infinity War” but still the ending that fans deserved and needed.
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: This film’s heart, though, belongs to Scarlett Johansson, whose sadness perhaps best articulates just what has been lost. Her Natasha had nothing before the Avengers and Johansson’s evolution of the character has imbued her with soulful drive and compassion.
- Blake Crane @ BlakeCrane.com
- Excerpt: As a finale to the MCU we’ve known since 2008’s Iron Man, Avengers: Endgame is an exciting, fitting, substantial, almost miraculously eloquent closer.
- Karl Delossantos @ Smash Cut Reviews
- Excerpt: Avengers: Endgame is an epic, emotional, spectacle-driven farewell to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it — and it’s perfect in every way.
- Herman Dhaliwal @ Cinema Sanctum
- Excerpt: Not perfect, but serves as a great conclusion to characters that we’ve grown to love over the past decade.
- Bavner Donaldo @ Cinejour [Indonesian]
- M. Enois Duarte @ High-DefDigest.com
- Excerpt: In Avengers: Endgame, directors Anthony and Joe Russo accomplish the impossible, assembling an ensemble cast from various story threads of the MCU into a single coherent, surprisingly emotional plot that satisfyingly concludes an ambitiously epic saga.
- Vadim Grigoriev @ kinoblog.com [Ukrainian]
- Roderick Heath @ This Island Rod
- Excerpt: Endgame might finally represent the total conquest of blockbuster cinema by the televisual. It has no design, no authentic aesthetic to communicate its messages and present an artwork that exists as more than the sum of its gestures and elements. Only stuff, stuff, and more stuff.
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: The production generates a wave of positive feelings that a fan will crave. In that respect, Avengers: Endgame is an emotional catharsis that totally delivers.
- Courtney Howard @ FreshFiction.tv
- Excerpt: In short, AVENGERS: ENDGAME will melt your face off – or, at the very least, coat it in tears.
- MaryAnn Johanson @ FlickFilosopher.com
- Excerpt: A miraculous blend of grief and humor. Big, bold, brash, then sneakily meta. I am only starting to get my head around the emotional and creative right-hook of it. A fitting end (for now) to the MCU.
- Wesley Lovell @ Cinema Sight
- Excerpt: Eleven years after “Iron Man” built hopes of a shared cinematic universe, the original four Avengers have found their biggest adventure yet, combing the universe for a way to reverse the events of the previous film. “Avengers: Endgame” is the spectacle audiences have been longing for since the beginning.
- Dan Lybarger @ eFilmCritic.com
- Excerpt: http://www.efilmcritic.com/review.php?movie=31495&reviewer=382
- Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Excerpt: Superhero adventures are the predominant films of our time, and this one easily stands as the most significant.
- Brent McKnight @ The Last Thing I See
- Excerpt: With Avengers: Endgame, Marvel manages to both take their expansive, episodic superhero saga in a direction I did not see coming, but also plays it out in entirely predictable, familiar fashion.
- Jared Mobarak @ The Film Stage
- Excerpt: Thankfully the resulting chaos is still punctuated by the suspense, melodrama, and heroism necessary to provide gratifying closure to one of cinema’s greatest serial storytelling feats.
- Darren Mooney @ the m0vie blog
- Excerpt: Game on.
- Aaron Neuwirth @ We Live Entertainment
- Excerpt: With clear stakes, a dialed-in cast, and the means to bring so much spectacle to life, Avengers: Endgame is quite the achievement.
- Eddie Pasa @ Gunaxin
- Tusshar Sasi @ Filmy Sasi
- Don Shanahan @ Every Movie Has a Lesson
- Excerpt: Avengers: Endgame is not a pivot point, but a grand finale eleven years in the making. True to the blueprint, it is hard to imagine a more gratifying and rewarding summit.
- Amir Siregar @ Amir at the Movies [Indonesian]
- Excerpt: Messy and confusing at times but ‘Avengers: Endgame’ is a satisfying, fulfilling, and emotional love letter to the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.
- Andrew Wyatt @ The Lens