Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Considering that Adam Driver’s Henry begins with a long, beastly mane and ends with a bowl cut and pencil moustache while Ann is a pretty songbird, it’s not that difficult to see Ann and Henry as Russ and Ron Maels.
- Herman Dhaliwal @ Cinema Sanctum
- Excerpt: The craft and committed performances offer a lot to like, but I found I ultimately admired the film as a whole more than I enjoyed it.
- [New] | James Jay Edwards @ The Big Smoke America
- Charlie Juhl @ Citizen Charlie
- Excerpt: Is Leos Carax a Cannes auteur retaining his crown of provocateur supreme or is he just a gasbag? The answer depends on how you react to Adam Driver, Marion Cotillard, and a stop-motion puppet child as they sing through a whirlwind romance turned Shakespearean tragedy.
- Lee Jutton @ Film Inquiry
- Excerpt: Starring Adam Driver as a cynical stand-up comedian with a gift for self-sabotage and Marion Cotillard as the renowned opera singer who tries to show him he can in fact be loved, if he’d only just allow it, Annette was set to be a Sparks album and tour until the Maels met Carax and embraced the opportunity to turn their lifelong dream of making a movie into a reality. The result is intense, amusing, emotional, odd, and oftentimes incredibly bleak — so in other words, quintessentially Sparks.
- Jared Mobarak @ JaredMobarak.com
- Excerpt: Annette is never better than that fourth wall-breaking opening number. The rest is fine, but never magical enough to supply freshness beyond mere bizarreness.
- Diego Salgado @ SoFilm [Spanish]
- Josh Taylor @ The Forgetful Film Critic
- Excerpt: I’m ultimately mixed on Annette. It’s a radical act of avant-garde filmmaking from three one-of-a-kind creative talents. It also gets bogged down with a solipsistic narcissist main character and frankly becomes a real bummer, especially in its final minutes.
- Betty Jo Tucker @ ReelTalk Movie Reviews
- Excerpt: Annette is a musical tragedy. A musical without dance is like a bird without wings.