Classic films our members are watching: Phil Hall reviews Show Boat (1936), Flying Padre (1951), Hello, Dolly!...
What our members outside North America are watching: ArgentinaEnrique Buchichio reviews The Secret of Her Eyes (reviews...
OFCS members ponder the question: “What’s the worst life-lesson a movie of 2009 taught us?” Answers after...
As we await the release of Avatar, much discussed as a groundbreaker when it comes to CGI...
Andy Webb at HubPages explores the difference between “movie reviewer” and “movie critic” — explains why he...
Classic films our members are watching: John Puccio reviews The Green Mile (1999) Donald Levit reviews Araya...
OFCS members ponder the question: “What movie most embodies the spirit of the 2000s?” Answers after the...
As we await the release of the rugby-themed Invictus, OFCS members considered the great sports movies of...
Stuart McGurk at the Guardian on explains why he loves the world’s worst film critic: Fiore Mastracci,...
Classic films our members are watching: Amber Wilkinson reviews Robinson’s Place (Du Cote De Robinson) (1963) and...