OFCS members answer the question: “Is it possible to teach film criticism? If so, what’s the most...
Filmmaker Kevin Smith’s recent tirade against critics — who savaged his film Cop Out — has inspired...
Classic films our members are watching: Dennis Schwartz reviews The Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family...
TV shows and DVDs our members are reviewing: Paul Mavis reviews The Real Housewives of New Jersey:...
What our members outside North America are watching: AustraliaAnders Wotzke reviews Cop Out
OFCS members answer the question: In the age of Twitter and Facebook, is it possible any longer...
Classic films our members are watching: Rob Gonsalves reviews The Last Waltz (1978) and The Lost Boys...
TV shows and DVDs our members are reviewing: Sean Axmaker reviews the first seasons of Scarecrow and...
What our members outside North America are watching: U.K.Anton Bitel reviews The Ape and Shutter Island Ali...
OFCS members answer the question: What does the firing of Variety’s staff film critics, and the statement...