OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
The 13 Most Influential Plot Twists In Cinema History
Behind the Making of “Finding Steve McQueen”
Jia Zhang-ke: ‘O mais importante foi encontrar a lógica feminina para esta personagem’
Paulo Portugal @ Insider [Portuguese]
João Salaviza sobre ‘Chuva é Cantoria na Aldeia dos Mortos’
Paulo Portugal @ Insider [Portuguese]
Lav Diaz: ‘As democracias estão a desaparecer’
Paulo Portugal @ Insider [Portuguese]
Marcelo Martinessi: ‘É fascinante olhar para a sociedade através dos olhos das mulheres’
Paulo Portugal @ Insider [Portuguese]
SXSW: Excision Director Returns with New Horror Comedy “Tone-Deaf”
Awards Coverage
91st Academy Awards: Some Thoughts
Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Excerpt: For me, the big surprise was the strength of Black Panther and weakness of The Favourite.
Oscar Preview: Weekend of Mar. 8-10, 2019
“Too Emotional”: “Interstellar”, “Star Trek: Discovery”, “Captain Marvel” and the Re-Gendering of Science-Fiction…
Darren Mooney @ the m0vie blog
- Excerpt: Modern blockbuster science-fiction is inventing a new way to fly.
“When I Left Earth”: The Simple Childhood Trauma of “Guardians of the Galaxy”
Darren Mooney @ the m0vie blog
- Excerpt: A look back at the singular appeal of “Guardians of the Galaxy”, rooted in its relative simplicity.
Miyazaki’s Nausicaa is the Best Anime We Never Talk About
Other Types of Articles
Classic Movie Endings People Only Accept Because They’re Classics
Crime Waves: Heat v. Goodfellas – A Conversation
Scott Phillips @ The Movie Isle
Four Films for Women’s History Month
Betty Jo Tucker @ ReelTalk Movie Reviews
- Excerpt: Four inspiring films about extraordinary women.
I Wake Up Streaming
Sean Axmaker @ Film Noir Foundation
- Excerpt: As any fan of classic movies seeking treasures on streaming services knows, it’s a wasteland out there…. Given that, there are some treasures to be found out there…