OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
5 Favorites Redux #84: Ryan Reynolds
The Best Horror Films of 2021 (So Far)
Candice Frederick @ Harper’s Bazaar
“In The Heights” Director Jon M. Chu on Capturing a Neighborhood’s Magic
- Excerpt: It was one of those days, probably the most energetic, most beautiful shooting day of my life.
Playwright & Screenwriter Quiara Alegria Hudes on Adapting “In The Heights” for the Big Screen
- Excerpt: In terms of what’s universal, though, I think many of us struggle with “What is home?” and “How do I balance my loyalty to where I come from and my background with my own desires and dreams to strike out as an individual?” That balancing in your life between individual responsibility and community responsibility is universal.
Festivals: Individual Reviews
Shelagh Rowan-Legg @ ScreenAnarchy
The Kids
- Excerpt: The Kids is well worth a watch even if, like me, you don’t have much use for Clark’s 1995 film.
Lady Boss: The Jackie Collins Story
- Excerpt: Put it this way: when Cartland denounced Collin’s first novel as “nasty, filthy, and disgusting” one can imagine Collin’s replying “Thanks!”
Awards Coverage
The Friday Face-Off, Losers Bracket Round 2 #18
Poll: Remaking Best Adapted Screenplay, 2010
Video Essays, Video Reviews, Vlogs & More
About Science Fiction in Literature and Cinema
Diego Salgado @ Sui Generis [Spanish]
Juran’s ‘Jack the Giant Killer’ and Bass’ ‘The Daydreamer’ Are Quality Children’s Films
Zack Snyder
Diego Salgado @ Críticas sobre la Marcha [Spanish]