OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
12 Movies We’re Excited To Watch In 2022
5 Favorites #113: Chastain, Cruz, Fan, Kruger, Nyong’o
Best TV Shows of 2021
Matt Oakes @ Silver Screen Riot
- Excerpt: As the wide world of film shook and shuttered, trying to get its feet back under it while navigating the constant challenge of the pandemic, television entered a new golden age. The silver screen may have faded but the small screen burned brighter than ever.
O que vemos quando recordamos as fitas do ano
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: E se o melhor filme deste ano fosse mesmo A Metamorfose dos Pássaros, de Catarina Vasconcelos? Coloquemos então o nome da portuguesa ao lado de Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Gaspar Noé, Ryusuke Hamaguchi, Paolo Sorrentino ou Rebecca Hall.
Ten Notable Feature Films of 2021
- Excerpt: Despite the pandemic, it’s been a good year for feature films, especially if you like films that venture a bit off the beaten track.
Top 15 Films of 2021
Allen Almachar @ The MacGuffin
Top Ten of 2021
Matt Oakes @ Silver Screen Riot
- Excerpt: As always, my opinion is subject to change with the faintest influence and my perspective on the 2021 movie season will very likely look entirely different ten years down the road. But, at the moment, these are the movies that stuck with me most, that made me want to return to their worlds, that left some kind of indelible impression.
SPOTLIGHT January 2022: Jacqueline Stewart, Film Scholar, Archivist, and Curator
Marilyn Ferdinand @ Alliance of Women Film Journalists
- Excerpt: As a deeply committed film scholar whose work is resurrecting forgotten figures—particularly African American artists—in cinematic history, Jacqueline Stewart is changing the face of American culture.
We Need To Talk About The Love Stories In ‘Licorice Pizza’ And ‘Red Rocket’
Awards Coverage
2021 Oscar Nominations Predictions: January
94th Oscar Preview: Precursor Winners & Losers, Week 5
94th Oscars: Upcoming Precursors – January
The Friday Face-Off, Winners Bracket, Round 4 #2
Poll: Remaking Best Animated Feature, 2003
Upcoming Film Previews
Preview: Aline
Preview: Marry Me
Preview: Studio 666
Preview: The Batman, Updated
Preview: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
Preview: Uncharted, Updated
Betty White
- Excerpt: White’s utter fearlessness as a performer was grounded in the delight she took in delighting others, especially if she could shock them just enough to make them laugh. She had unbounded enthusiasm, she loved a challenge, and she never worried about whether the character she was playing was likeable.
Reviews of Short Films
Panagiotis Kotzathanasis @ Asian Movie Pulse
- Excerpt: “Dodo” has some issues, which seem to have something to do with the director’s overall mentality, both regarding his technical approach (the excessive music) and society (the presentation of the maid) but his main message does come through quite eloquently, and through a narrative that is cinematically appealing.
Eat Your Breakfast Son!
Panagiotis Kotzathanasis @ Asian Movie Pulse
- Excerpt: In the end, “Eat Your Breakfast Son!” emerges as a mixed bag, as if the director did not know if he wanted to shoot a short or some sort of installation. The artistry is there on a number of aspects, but definitely not enough to deem the movie as one of overall quality.
Memories of the Sea
Panagiotis Kotzathanasis @ Asian Movie Pulse
- Excerpt: Haris Yuliyanto creates a very interesting narrative, where the supernatural is implemented in order to make a sociopolitical comment, regarding the way the government is always keen to highlight the moves forward, as in the case of the port development project, which are actually what brings votes, but is quite eager to push the issues, and even more, the tragedies that take place, in the background.
Other Types of Articles
Hawkeye Season 1 Review
- Excerpt: Hawkeye is the closest Disney+ has gotten to replicating the street-level grit of the #Marvel Netflix series in the #MCU. Also, Tony Stark was right about Clint’s wife!
Let’s Talk Spoilers – ‘Loki’ Season 1
- Excerpt: The newest Let’s Talk Spoilers is now live! Today we talk about the first person to break the MCU’s Sacred Timeline, Loki.
Let’s Talk Spoilers – ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’
- Excerpt: The newest Let’s Talk Spoilers is now live! Today we talk about the best MCU film released this year and first Pandemic era film to cross $1 Billion at the box office, Spider-Man: No Way Home.
MMT Quick Review of COBRA KAI season four
Thomasena Farrar @ MusicMoviesThoughts.com
My Top Ten Favorite Movies of 2021
Betty Jo Tucker @ ReelTalk Movie Reviews