OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
5 Favorites #167: Malone, Lithgow, Soderbergh, Stan, Tatum
The Most Underrated Movies Of 1980s Comedy Stars
A Conversation With Toby Genkel (The Amazing Maurice)
Christopher Reed @ Hammer to Nail
- Excerpt: The new animated film The Amazing Maurice had its premiere at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival (where I reviewed it), and came out in theaters on February 3.
Interview with “Aurora’s Sunrise” Director Inna Sahakyan
Christopher Reed @ Film Festival Today
- Excerpt: Before the end of 2022, I reviewed Armenian director Inna Sahakyan’s animated documentary Aurora’s Sunrise, which tells the tale of Aurora Mardiganian (née Arshaluys), who at 17 escaped the Ottoman genocide of Armenians and came to the United States to spread the harrowing news.
Awards Coverage
95th Oscars Preview: Precursor Winners & Losers, Week 10
The Friday Face-Off, The Ultimate List – Week #35
Poll: Re-Awarding Best Original Score, 2000
Upcoming Film Previews
The Boogeyman
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Things, Updated
La Civil
Moving On
We Have a Ghost
You People, Updated
Other Types of Articles
The Friendship Dilemma Episode 16: Planet of the Apes (1968)
Erik Childress @ Now Playing Network
- Excerpt: Who said the friendships on this show had to be just between humans? Then again this classic sci-fi film is also about the humanity that makes us so or at least what we hope to evolve into?
The Friendship Dilemma: Just Friends (2005)
Erik Childress @ Now Playing Network
- Excerpt: Morgan Gire and Erik Childress teamed up with the hosts of Christmas Movies Actually, Collin Souter and Kerry Finegan, to take a look at the 2005 “love you like a brother, not a lover” Ryan Reynolds/Amy Smart comedy. Needless to say there were reversals on some of the one-time enjoyment of this film as they examine the portrayal of this friendship even without the hopeful romance.
Great Movies You Didn’t Realize Were Rated X
Harry & Meghan
Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Excerpt: It takes great skill to make Edward & Wallis, Duke and Duchess of Windsor, look dignified, even regal, but Harry and Meghan, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, managed that extraordinary feat.
Movie Madness Episode 354: The 2023 Sundance Film Festival
Erik Childress @ Now Playing Network
- Excerpt: Erik Childress and Steve Prokopy once again experienced this year’s Sundance from the comfort of their domiciles, but that in no way affected their viewing numbers. In just a sampling of what they saw, they discuss over 25 films
Movie Madness Episode 355: Virgins, Flesh And Timpano
Erik Childress @ Now Playing Network
- Excerpt: Peter Sobczynski joins Erik Childress to catch up on a couple weeks of Blu-rays.
Movie Madness Episode 356: Good Daddies And Bad Mommies
Erik Childress @ Now Playing Network
- Excerpt: Erik Childress and Steve Prokopy are back with the weekly movie reviews and they certainly have a lot in common.
Movie Madness Episode 357: The Wonderfully Weird With Campbell & Paxton
Erik Childress @ Now Playing Network
- Excerpt: There’s a little something for everyone this week on the Blu-ray scene. Especially if you like it weird.