OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
5 Favorites Redux #24: Original Stage Musical Adaptations
Luis Rainer: Oscar’s Beloved Outcast
Jerry Roberts @ Over-Thinking Oscar
- Excerpt: In practical terms, you have to wonder if Rainer’s career would have been remembered so fondly if she hadn’t been such an oddity in Oscar’s scrapbook. To date, she remains the only actress in history to win two back to back Best Actress awards and she was the oldest living Oscar recipient.
Awards Coverage
Poll: Remaking Best Supporting Actres, 2012
The Legend of Sacheen Littlefeather
Jerry Roberts @ Over-Thinking Oscar
- Excerpt: Looking back over the gulf of nearly half a century, it is difficult to land on solid ground with Brando’s protest. No one doubts that the treatment of Native Americans by the United States government has been appalling and further Hollywood’s treatment of Native Americans – even the positive ones – have been grossly stereotypical and misrepresentative.
Sea Fever
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: Sea Fever is a solid enough infection horror film without COVID-19 making it the accidental pandemic thriller of 2020.
Tuesdays with Oscar: Laurence Olivier in Hamlet
Jerry Roberts @ Over-Thinking Oscar
- Excerpt: I don’t know, something about Olivier Hamlet seems somewhat passionless. He seems stiff and distant in a role that should pull me in
The Unnominated: The Lady Vanishes (1938)
Jerry Roberts @ Over-Thinking Oscar
- Excerpt: Hitchcock never received an Oscar despite five nominations for Best Director for Rebecca, Lifeboat, Spellbound, Rear Window and Psycho. The great director responded to this snub late in his career.
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: Finnegan’s film examines how people and families have transformed into commodities like any other product. Vivarium is first and foremost about the way our natural relationships have been drastically altered by the hegemony and heteronormativity of capitalism.