Reviews for this film from our members:
- Marco Albanese @ Stanze di Cinema [Italian]
- Excerpt: Ci voleva un po’ più di coraggio nel raccontare l’odissea della dottoressa Stone, uscendo dai canoni della narrativa classica hollywoodiana, che invece Cuaron ripercorre fedelmente, fidandosi troppo della forza della sua regia e lasciando l’amaro in bocca per quello che avrebbe potuto essere e non è stato. Un’occasione colta solo in parte.
- Mario Alegre @ Primera Hora [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Siete años tras Children of Men, el renombrado director Alfonso Cuarón eleva el arte de hacer cine más allá de la estratosfera.
- Dragan Antulov @ Croatian [Croatian]
- Excerpt: neuobicajeno kvalitetno ostvarenje za koje nije teško zamisliti da ce jednog dana biti proglašeno klasikom
- [New – 4/3/14] | Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Cafe Texan
- Excerpt: I, someone who holds 3-D in contempt, think that not only is Gravity worth the price of 3-D but in many ways, it the only way to watch Gravity.
- Edwin Arnaudin @ Ashvegas
- Excerpt: Spectacle really may be all that the film has going for it, yet by consistently holding one’s attention and keeping the camerawork fluid, Cuarón’s interpretation of spectacle is exemplary.
- Jason Bailey @ Flavorwire
- Excerpt: It’s not just a film; it’s something that happens to you. This is what moviegoing is all about.
- Chris Barsanti @ PopMatters
- Excerpt: By taking the simple leap between a character’s personal isolation and the equally terrifying physical isolation of space, Alfonso Cuaron creates a vertiginous masterpiece.
- Tim Brayton @ Antagony & Ecstasy
- Excerpt: A magnificent thriller, and one of the most dumbfoundingly impressive technological feats in the 20 years since Jurassic Park put the world on notice about CGI.
- Victor Bruno @ [Brazilian Portuguese]
- Joshua Brunsting @ The CriterionCast
- Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat @
- Excerpt: A soul stirring tale of survival in outer space and an astronaut’s spiritual journey.
- Enrique Buchichio @ [Spanish]
- Excerpt: No suelen abundar las películas hollywoodenses inteligentes, rigurosas y que impliquen – aún a costa de algunos golpes bajos – un verdadero viaje emocional para el espectador. Este es uno de esos viajes.
- Sarah D Bunting @ Tomato Nation
- Daniel Carlson @ Pajiba
- Kevin Carr @ 7M Pictures
- Excerpt: It’s the first must-see film of the year, and it’s easily one of the best films of the year.
- Samuel Castro @ [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Alfonso Cuarón graba su nombre en la historia del asombro cinmetaográfico con una historia simple y asombrosa
- Bill Clark @ FromTheBalcony
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: while the story grabs us at the onset, it’s clear homage to “2001’s” Starchild in the form of Stone’s character coming to grips with the loss of her daughter is so overt, the film’s third act loses credibility as it toes its symbolic line.
- Edwin Davies @ A Mighty Fine Blog
- Excerpt: As much as it is a work of thrilling spectacle – a sort of The Poseidon Adventure to the Stars – Gravity is also a deeply human story of survival in the worst situation imaginable. Despite the scale of the disaster that befalls the characters, the number of characters affected can be counted on one hand, so the stakes are always clear and concrete.
- Tony Dayoub @ Cinema Viewfinder
- Excerpt: It builds on the promise of James Cameron’s epic ‘Avatar’… What Cuarón manages to do is fashion the same kind of enveloping journey on an intimate level.
- Carlos del Río @ El rincón de Carlos del Río [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Si “Gravity” no es una obra maestra es porque el guión es peor que la dirección de Cuarón. El mayor problema es que tiene muy poca historia, aunque lo que cuenta es genial, y lo intentan compensar con mucha trama.
- Jim Dixon @
- Excerpt: Astronaut recruitment can be expected to take a nosedive once audiences have had a chance to see Alfonso Cuarón’s new movie, “Gravity.” The perils and poetry of space travel haven’t been so vividly depicted since Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey,” and I don’t say that lightly.
- Mark Dujsik @ Mark Reviews Movies
- Excerpt: For all of its technical prowess, this is a work of pure and unabashedly virtuoso filmmaking from a genuine master of the craft.
- Candice Frederick @ Reel Talk
- Excerpt: Gravity strips down the flashiness of what we’ve come to expect from the genre and presents a meaningful return to form in a story that honors birth, death and the fight in between.
- Dustin Freeley @
- John Gilpatrick @ John Likes Movies
- Excerpt: Gravity‘s achievement is more than any number of gold statues could state. It’s a piece of smart, entertaining, and original filmmaking that studios simply don’t go for in today’s marketplace.
- Susan Granger @
- Excerpt: Wondrously innovative, it’s an awesome spectacle not to be missed.
- Steven Greydanus @ National Catholic Register
- Excerpt: Something almost unheard of these days: a Hollywood spectacle that shows us something new, set in the universe we live in.
- Vadym Grygoriev @ [Ukrainian]
- Roderick Heath @ Ferdy on Films
- Excerpt: Some are celebrating this as a riposte to the emptiness of many special-effects blockbusters, and yet it’s no smarter than many of those; in fact, in some ways it’s interchangeable with them, and in other ways worse.
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Gravity is an awe inspiring picture and a potent reminder why it still remains preferable to see a film in a theater than on an iPod.
- Travis Hopson @
- Excerpt: If the measure of a film’s true greatness is how deeply it immerses you into a world we’re unlikely to experience in reality, then Gravity is purely, simply one of the best movies ever made.
- Blake Howard @ Graffiti With Punctuation
- Excerpt: Not since Ridley Scott (Alien and Blade Runner) has a filmmaker done more for the Sci-Fi genre. Gravity is undeniable.
- Dan Jardine @ Cinemania
- Excerpt: an escape from the past that is simultaneously a flight to no future.
- MaryAnn Johanson @
- Excerpt: Stunningly accomplished space survival adventure: heartstopping and heartbreaking; the best film of 2013 so far. Just don’t call it science fiction.
- Dan Kelly @ Danland
- Excerpt: That way you’ll digest 2013’s most exhibitionist work as the indisputable gem it is.
- Jeremy Kibler @ The Artful Critic
- Excerpt: Without an atom of hyperbole, “Gravity” is breathlessly enthralling, impressively immersive, and thematically profound.
- Oktay Ege Kozak @ Oregon Herald
- Excerpt: I doubt that there will be a better film than Gravity in 2013.
- Benjamin Kramer @ The Voracious Filmgoer
- Kristin Dreyer Kramer @
- Glenn Lovell @
- Wesley Lovell @ Cinema Sight
- Excerpt: 45 years after what is generally considered one of history’s greatest (if not the singular greatest) science fiction films, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alfonso Cuarón’s sparse epic Gravity is likely to vault into the ranks of all-time great sci-fi.
- Joe Lozito @ Big Picture Big Sound
- Excerpt: If you can get past the heartstring-tugging, the amped up soundtrack, and George Clooney’s relentless Clooneyness, this stunning space saga is the very reason we go to the movies.
- Marty Mapes @ Movie Habit
- Excerpt: Less admirable than 2001, but more exciting
- James Marsh @ The Society For Film
- Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Matthew McKernan @ FilmWhinge
- Excerpt: Gravity is far from flawless and is certainly not particularly innovative as a drama, but as far as blockbuster entertainments go, there hasn’t been one so visually arresting, brilliantly made and gripping – except, of course, for Captain Phillips.
- Jason McKiernan @ Next Projection
- Excerpt: Gravity is an appropriate title for Alfonso Cuaron’s latest epic, because while it positively soars with a staggering realization of the vastness of outer space blended with a wrenching story of the human will to survive, there is a curious flaw that keeps trying to bring it back down to Earth.
- Brent McKnight @ Giant Freakin’ Robot
- Excerpt: Gravity is the best reason this year to get your ass to a movie theater and plunk down the extra cash for an IMAX ticket
- Ryan McNeil @ The Matinee
- Excerpt: A wise Star Trek character once called space danger wrapped in darkness and silence. Who knew that Alfonso Cuarón was such a Star Trek fan?
- Ross Miller @ Thoughts On Film
- Excerpt: It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Gravity is one of the most visually breathtaking films to be released in a long time and certainly one you must see on the big-screen.
- Simon Miraudo @ Quickflix
- Pat Mullen @ Cinemablographer
- Frank Ochieng @ SFcrowsnest
- Excerpt: Vibrantly adventurous and accomplished, ‘Gravity’ gives hope to the masses out there in Science Fiction/fantasy land that contemporary ‘out-of-this-world’ fables can be viscerally arresting in developmental scope beyond the popcorn-pleasing pap.
- R. Kurt Osenlund @
- Michael Pattison @ Front Row Reviews
- Jason Pirodsky @
- Excerpt: A landmark achievement in special effects filmmaking, Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity is a real wow.
- Tiago Ramos @ Split Screen [Portuguese]
- Jamie S. Rich @ DVD Talk
- Excerpt: Much credit should actually be given to both actors for finding a way to stand out and not be lost amongst Cuarón’s gobsmacking special effects. That’s perhaps where their pre-programmed personalities as box office stars work in their favor.
- Jerry Roberts @ Armchair Cinema
- Excerpt: You only think you know what this movie is really about.
- Tom Santilli @
- Excerpt: Gravity proves that quite literally anything is possible in the movies.”” Parkland But once the shooting is over and the President is announced dead, the film itself may have well been. “”
- Norm Schrager @ Meet In the Lobby
- Stephen Silver @ EntertainmentTell
- Excerpt: It doesn’t cheat. There are no flashbacks, and we learn almost nothing about the characters’ pasts, aside from a few colorful details for one character and one major one for the other. It doesn’t ever turn into a political allegory, and aliens never made an appearance.
- Amir Siregar @ Flick Magazine [Indonesian]
- Cole Smithey @
- Excerpt: Just as Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968) broke open the possibilities for depicting outer space in science fiction filmmaking, Alfonso Cuarón’s “Gravity” makes visible a deep space reality that has never before been witnessed by filmgoers.
- Josh Spiegel @ Sound on Sight
- Excerpt: This is nothing short of a flawless technical exercise, a frequently intense and relentless theme-park ride of a movie. The real downside is that Cuarón could’ve made more than just a ride.
- Frank Swietek @ One Guys Opinion
- Excerpt: An astonishing technical tour de force and an exciting thrill ride, but as a human drama it barely registers, and it carries none of the metaphysical weight of a film like ‘2001.’
- Betty Jo Tucker @ ReelTalk Movie Reviews
- Excerpt: Exciting and memorable!
- Phil Villarreal @
- Excerpt: It’s a movie that’s not afraid to go deep or stare blankly at you to see if it can get you to blink first.
- Andrew Wyatt @ Look / Listen (St. Louis Magazine)
- Excerpt: Gravity blazes past the usual hollow and frivolous blockbuster fare with the power of its almost elemental storytelling.